7 Little Words Express answers

Hello guys, a new game from “7 little words family” has come to iTunes.
BlueOx has just released 7 Little Words EXPRESS. There is no much difference from the normal game 7 little words.

The user interface is almost the same, except the background color change.

Puzzle 1

  1. Farm machine
  2. Opposite of white
  3. Snowstorm
  4. Spiny desert plant
  5. One way to cook eggs
  6. Speedy spotted cat
  7. One hundred cents

Puzzle 2

  1. Creature with eight “arms”
  2. What comes before thunder
  3. Thick soup with clams
  4. Tool for digging
  5. Symptom of a cold
  6. Game played on a diamond
  7. Closest planet to the sun

Puzzle 3

  1. It doesn’t grow on trees
  2. Dried grape
  3. A meal out of doors
  4. A large rock
  5. The “Windy City”
  6. Carpet cleaning machine
  7. A queen’s daughter

We are working on solving all the puzzles for you, so just stay tuned.
If you want to help with the puzzle solving, just send us a quick email!

For those who get stuck on any level of the previous game “7 little words”, just visit te homepage of our website and select the level you are blocked. Or you can use the search below to find the answers to any puzzle (daily puzzles as well as normal puzzles).

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Instead of waiting for the answers to Seven Little Words Express, just browse our other games:

